Artists & Companies

Dakini – Paloma Hurtado

Nombre del espectáculo:


Esta obra muestra la visión de un grupo de mujeres sobre su feminidad, sobre la figura de la mujer a lo largo de la historia, su sabiduría ancestral, su conexión con la naturaleza, con su lado salvaje e instintivo que la asemeja a ese hermoso animal, la loba, que cuida de su manada, fiel compañera y luchadora incansable.

Nos cuenta acerca de ese ser que encierra en sí todas las generaciones, de la niña a la anciana, la hija, la madre, la abuela.
Ser maravilloso capaz de dar vida.


  • Date: 21 October.
  • Beginning: 18:00 hours.
  • Duration: 20 minutes.
  • Space: Sebadal Space.
  • Company: Paloma Hurtado
  • Gender: Dance.
  • Country: Spain (Málaga).
  • Recommended age: All audiences.
  • Entrance: free.
Heart Spaces – Pulsating Scenarios.

An encounter with dance, theatre, poetry, music, clown, performance art, Sustainable workshops... and many scenic spaces surprises

Check the locations of the different spaces where the shows and workshops will be held.

Heart Spaces – Pulsating Scenarios.

An encounter with dance, theatre, poetry, music, clown, performance art, Sustainable workshops... and many scenic spaces surprises

Check the locations of the different spaces where the shows and workshops will be held.


Heart – Performing Arts Festival

A festival with a sustainable outlook.

From the very first moment, The germ of this festival is based on the meeting of different performing arts with spaces and places of high ethnographic value, Heritage & Tourism, and in which sustainability plays a prominent role.