Artists & Companies

Improlocura – Agro The Clown

Nombre del espectáculo:


ImproLocura es un espectáculo de calle imprevisible e hilarante que rompe el ritmo de la ciudad (cada día más aburrido y ordinario).

Una pausa inesperada que te sacará de tu rutina diaria gracias a un estilo provocador, divertido y extravagante. Disfrutarás de un espectáculo improvisado que mezcla mimo, técnicas de clown y efectos de sonido.

Technology at the service of comedy.
Lo más destacado del espectáculo es el uso de la tecnología al servicio de la improvisación y la comedia. Through a home device that allows wireless streaming of any song or sound, Agro surprises and makes each improvisation more complete, Selecting with dizzying speed, The right track for every moment that arises throughout the show.


  • Date: 21 October.
  • Beginning: 19:30 hours.
  • Duration: 40 minutes.
  • Space: Maresía Space.
  • Company: Agro The Clown
  • Gender: Clown.
  • Country: Italy.
  • Recommended age: All audiences.
  • Entrance: free.
Heart Spaces – Pulsating Scenarios.

An encounter with dance, theatre, poetry, music, clown, performance art, Sustainable workshops... and many scenic spaces surprises

Check the locations of the different spaces where the shows and workshops will be held.

Heart Spaces – Pulsating Scenarios.

An encounter with dance, theatre, poetry, music, clown, performance art, Sustainable workshops... and many scenic spaces surprises

Check the locations of the different spaces where the shows and workshops will be held.


Heart – Performing Arts Festival

A festival with a sustainable outlook.

From the very first moment, The germ of this festival is based on the meeting of different performing arts with spaces and places of high ethnographic value, Heritage & Tourism, and in which sustainability plays a prominent role.